Fya steht an einer felsigen Küste auf einem Felsen. Sie schaut zum Meer hinaus. Man sieht ihr Gesicht nicht. Sie seht seitlich mit dem Rücken zur Kamera. Das Bild ist schwarz weiss und wirkt philosophisch.

Fya is a photographer and graphic designer based in Basel Switzerland, yet always on the go and available worldwide for work. Her focus is on authentic and raw portraiture, with a special emphasis on capturing the essence of people. With her gentle and soft nature, Fya aims to empower individuals, making them feel confident in their own skin.

about fya

Traveling the globe on journeys of self-development, surrounded by breathtaking nature, and connecting with other creative souls – this is what inspires me and my work the most. I love collaborating with small local businesses and labels, supporting those who follow their hearts and create with passion – just as I do myself.

Fya steht auf einer felsigen Küste. Sie lächelt und trägt eine Sonnenbrille. In den Händen hält sie eine Fotokamera. Ein Hemd ist um ihre Hüften gebunden. Das Bild wirkt warm und freundlich.
Photo by Andrin Fretz


I continuously evolve my personal style through a diverse range of clients and projects, covering everything from portraits to jewellery brands, fashion to products, and accompanying yoga retreats. Working with both analog and digital photography, I am fascinated by people and their stories. I'm dedicated to highlighting themes of femininity, creating a safe space for greater connection, beauty, rawness, and self-love.

want to work with me?

I look forward to hearing from you.